or how to become a Praha filmmaker in 3 easy years...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I need a title!

Making films is really hard. Like, really hard. Just when I think I have a handle on this whole process I get kicked in the teeth. I realize that I have just set up a drama for you that really isn’t going to unfold in this blog entry. Filming went pretty well overall…


1) The ENTIRE story takes place outside in a park (which sounded like a GENIUS idea in September…) This meant a 2 day shoot in 30 degree weather.

2) Everyone in the film was under 17. Directing kids is fun (sarcasm)…directing kids in 35 degree weather…I don’t think I need to paint that picture for you.

3) NONE of my actors spoke English. They nodded like they understood English, but when it came down to actual communication translation was involved. This meant that the cinematographer, first AD, production manager and sometimes the sound crew were translating and if anyone remembers the game of telephone…it’s not really the most effective way to direct for film. I worked on my directing technique all semester for naught.

The film doesn’t have a title yet…I’m looking for suggestions. Here is a mini explanation that I had translated into Czech for the cast and crew. (hence the simplified sentences)

Martina (13) is a lonely girl who needs a friend. She likes to hang out in the Letna skate park and draw murals on the ground with chalk. One day a new boy, Lukas (14), comes to the park. Martina sees that Lukas has trouble making friends too. Lukas is deaf and attempts to connect with people through his ability to skateboard. Between Lukas’s deafness and her shyness Martina cannot figure out how they will connect. After a series of awkward tries, finally she realizes that she can use her chalk to communicate with him. They both find a friend that day in the skate park.

All this happens in a 6-minute film…well, hopefully it will be six minutes. I’ll let you know how that turns out…stills from the shoot coming soon!

Here are suggestions for titles so far:

Smiley Face (cause Lukas draws one on the ground)
Chalk (Krida-in Czech)
Letna Park
Girl Meets Boy


megan said...

I vote "chalk" (in czech of course)... other than that i have to current inspiration.... but i'll keep you posted

karina said...

My votes for "chalk" as well. Anything but "smiley face". And see, I do read your blog =P

Kate said...

I totally vote for "Chalk" too. And, I think it should be in Czech because that is a cool word! K--- (?)
Oh, and how cool is this that Megan and Karina and Kate have all responded to the same post... and that we all agree! I think this is a sign that the truth has spoken through us genius children and that Chalk alone shall stand.

Little Yellow House said...

I vote for chalk too. I thought "Chalk" before I saw the suggestion...