or how to become a Praha filmmaker in 3 easy years...

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Leaving Prague for the first time!
The 4 hour train ride to Berlin. A little gray but not too shabby!
I think any good city should have a river through the center...but I'm bias.
I have never seen a city so covered in public art...
Me trying to break apart the Berlin Wall. (they left some up for graffiti art)

Karina always makes me stand for a photo in front of whatever famous thing we happen to be around.
(left) One of my favorite artists Kathe Kollwitz. A fallen soldier memorial. That light is coming from a hole in the ceiling so the statue is not immune to the elements. When rain falls it looks like the woman is crying.

(left) A fantastic memorial to the "murdered Jews in Europe" It was nice to see they don't tip-toe around tough issues.

Thank you St. Vaclav for the holiday weekend! Thank you Berlin for the workout! We calculated that we walked 20 miles in 48 hours.


Devin said...

Wow, such amazing pictures. I tried, without success,to call both you and Karina before you two left the States. I noticed that you can add team members to your blog profile. Do us all a favor and add Karina as your Team Member on your blog profile. I think she has earned it.

Lena said...

Hmm, no way, I need to come up with some crazy initiation...besides having to move to Eastern Europe!

Jana Rudnick said...

stonLena - I may have cracked the comment system on your blog. Berlin looks great. Love, Mom