or how to become a Praha filmmaker in 3 easy years...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Tram-rider beware!

I am standing on the tram ride home when I notice these signs. (no more bus poetry for me!) I could not for the life of me decipher the message here. "Don't shove your boobs into other people's backpacks respectable older women!" "Army guy don't jab respectable older women with training weapons! "????
This one reads well in any country: "If you're a private detective do not get bitten by dogs with zigzag teeth while doing one armed pull-ups"...seriously though, I love this guy's face. I must also note that the artist seems to feel their designs might be ruined by a red line going through the drawing so it has been moved to the background. Nice touch. Obviously now I have a new language goal-to read what the heck the captions say.


Robin said...

Totally don't smoosh your boobs into the military guy...unless he jabs you in the stomach with his stick....very funny image...if that lady was a little taller who knows where that stick could of ended up...maybe it is some sort of sexual harassment poster, things can get saucey on public transportation...lol watch out! ;-)

Leaving No Plastic Behind said...


I wonder what people in prague think about our public signage.

Kate said...

I read this while i was in bed with Loki biting my foot, Gatsby lying on my pillow, and Tim snoring beside me. I laughed out loud so hard that I started coughing. Loki jumped up, Tim opened his eyes, and Gatsby just looked at me with utter contempt seeming to say: dude, it is just a few pictures of pointy boobs and one-handed pullup dude... why are you fcking up my nap!... Ah, good times. Thanks for the hilarity luv.